Software Engineering Developer Anti-Patterns. Code antipatterns & Software Engineer mistakes

At, our mission is to provide software engineers with valuable insights into the common mistakes, best practices, and lessons learned in the field. We strive to help our readers avoid the pitfalls and antipatterns that can hinder their success and productivity. Our goal is to create a community of developers who share their experiences and knowledge to improve the quality of software engineering as a whole.

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Software engineering is a complex field that requires a lot of knowledge and experience to master. There are many concepts, topics, and categories that a person should know when getting started in software engineering. This cheatsheet is designed to provide a comprehensive reference for everything a person should know when getting started in software engineering. It covers lessons learned, best practices, common mistakes, and what to avoid in software engineering.


Antipatterns are common mistakes that software engineers make when designing or developing software. They are patterns that lead to bad design, poor performance, or other problems. Antipatterns can be avoided by following best practices and learning from past mistakes. Some common antipatterns include:

  1. God Object - A God Object is a class that does too much. It has too many responsibilities and is difficult to maintain. It is better to break up a God Object into smaller, more manageable classes.

  2. Spaghetti Code - Spaghetti Code is code that is difficult to read and understand. It is often caused by poor design or lack of planning. It is important to write code that is easy to read and understand.

  3. Magic Numbers - Magic Numbers are hard-coded values that are used throughout the code. They are difficult to maintain and can lead to bugs. It is better to use constants or variables instead of hard-coded values.

  4. Copy and Paste Programming - Copy and Paste Programming is when code is copied and pasted from one place to another. It is a quick way to get things done, but it leads to code duplication and is difficult to maintain. It is better to write reusable code.

  5. Tight Coupling - Tight Coupling is when two classes are tightly coupled together. It is difficult to change one class without affecting the other. It is better to use loose coupling and dependency injection.

Best Practices

Best practices are techniques and methods that have been proven to work well in software engineering. They are guidelines that help software engineers write better code and avoid common mistakes. Some best practices include:

  1. Code Reviews - Code Reviews are a process where other developers review your code. They can help identify bugs, improve code quality, and ensure that best practices are being followed.

  2. Unit Testing - Unit Testing is a process where individual units of code are tested to ensure that they work correctly. It is important to write unit tests for all code to ensure that it works as expected.

  3. Continuous Integration - Continuous Integration is a process where code is integrated and tested frequently. It helps identify bugs early and ensures that the code is always working.

  4. Version Control - Version Control is a system that tracks changes to code over time. It is important to use version control to keep track of changes and collaborate with other developers.

  5. Agile Development - Agile Development is a methodology that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. It is important to use agile development to ensure that software meets the needs of the customer.

Common Mistakes

Common mistakes are mistakes that software engineers make when designing or developing software. They are mistakes that can lead to bugs, poor performance, or other problems. Some common mistakes include:

  1. Not Testing - Not Testing is a mistake that can lead to bugs and poor performance. It is important to test all code to ensure that it works as expected.

  2. Over-Engineering - Over-Engineering is a mistake that can lead to complex and difficult to maintain code. It is important to keep things simple and only add complexity when necessary.

  3. Not Refactoring - Not Refactoring is a mistake that can lead to code that is difficult to maintain. It is important to refactor code to improve its quality and maintainability.

  4. Not Using Best Practices - Not Using Best Practices is a mistake that can lead to poor code quality and bugs. It is important to follow best practices to ensure that code is of high quality.

  5. Not Collaborating - Not Collaborating is a mistake that can lead to misunderstandings and poor communication. It is important to collaborate with other developers to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

What to Avoid

There are certain things that software engineers should avoid when designing or developing software. These things can lead to poor performance, bugs, or other problems. Some things to avoid include:

  1. Hard-Coding - Hard-Coding is when values are hard-coded into the code. It is better to use constants or variables instead of hard-coded values.

  2. Global Variables - Global Variables are variables that are accessible from anywhere in the code. They can lead to bugs and poor performance. It is better to use local variables or pass variables as parameters.

  3. Monolithic Architecture - Monolithic Architecture is when all code is contained in a single application. It can lead to poor performance and difficulty in scaling. It is better to use a microservices architecture.

  4. Not Using Design Patterns - Not Using Design Patterns is a mistake that can lead to poor code quality and difficulty in maintaining code. It is important to use design patterns to ensure that code is of high quality.

  5. Not Planning - Not Planning is a mistake that can lead to poor performance and difficulty in maintaining code. It is important to plan before writing code to ensure that it meets the needs of the customer.


Software engineering is a complex field that requires a lot of knowledge and experience to master. This cheatsheet provides a comprehensive reference for everything a person should know when getting started in software engineering. It covers lessons learned, best practices, common mistakes, and what to avoid in software engineering. By following these guidelines, software engineers can write high-quality code that meets the needs of the customer.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Antipatterns: Commonly occurring patterns of software development that lead to negative outcomes.
2. Agile: A software development methodology that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development.
3. Architecture: The overall design and structure of a software system.
4. Back-end: The part of a software system that handles data storage, processing, and retrieval.
5. Best practices: Proven methods and techniques for achieving optimal results in software development.
6. Bug: An error or flaw in a software system that causes it to behave unexpectedly or incorrectly.
7. Code review: A process of examining and evaluating code to ensure it meets quality standards and best practices.
8. Continuous integration: A practice of regularly integrating code changes into a shared repository to ensure compatibility and avoid conflicts.
9. Debugging: The process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in a software system.
10. Dependency injection: A technique for managing dependencies between software components by injecting them at runtime.
11. Design patterns: Reusable solutions to common software design problems.
12. DevOps: A software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams.
13. Documentation: Written information about a software system, including user manuals, technical specifications, and design documents.
14. Domain-driven design: A software development approach that emphasizes understanding the business domain and modeling it in software.
15. Front-end: The part of a software system that handles user interaction and presentation.
16. Git: A popular version control system used for managing code changes and collaboration.
17. Integration testing: A type of testing that verifies the integration of different software components.
18. Iterative development: A software development approach that emphasizes incremental progress and feedback.
19. Java: A popular programming language used for developing enterprise software.
20. JavaScript: A popular programming language used for developing web applications.

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